For those who enjoy life, there is our extensive range of package deals.
You can also reserve these packages by telephone at +32 (0)2 270 17 17.
All of these packages can also be offered as Gift vouchers.
Price: € 200,00
Price: € 220,00
** Requests booking 4 days in advance
Price: € 315,00
Price: € 220,00
Price: € 775,00 (min 8 and max. 12 persons)
Price: € 1010,00 (min 13 and max. 17 persons)
Price: € 1250,00 (min 18 and max. 22 persons)
Price: € 1750,00 (min 23 and max. 27 persons)
* Choices are : cheeseballs, meatballs, shrimp balls, mini-springrolls, fetasticks and fried calamari (squid).